Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Evangelical Textual Criticism: Coptic Digital Resources

Evangelical Textual Criticism: Coptic Digital Resources: "Listed below are the main internet resources for the Coptic language. If anybody else knows of good ones, please post them and I will update this list."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I designed a True Type Coptic font, which contains glyphs for both Sahidic and Bohairic input. Old Coptic is also included, along with punctuation marks and other sigla. I have also modified a font for use with the Coptic CD from PHI, ask me for a copy of it.
This is not a UNICOIDE font, it has glyphs not found in UNICODE sets. The font is named COPTIC44.ttf. Can be downloaded from several sites. Search via google. Font is free and is fully embeddable. No restrictions or royalties.